Saturday 12 May 2012

I need to lose 100kgs

and in the tune of 'Bob the Builder', Can I do it? Yes I can!!!!

About to hit the weight loss train..

After getting weighed at the hospital when I took my sick baby last week (because she can't stand by herself, I had to stand with her), I am absolutely disgusted in my weight, I'm heavier than Margie the Winner of the Biggest Loser ever was, I'm bigger than I have ever been.

This week, I will be joining Michelle Bridges Body Transformation AND the Gym.

Yesterday was Baby G's 1st Birthday. The photos that were taken of me, are absolutely disgusting.

This is it. I need to JUST FUCKING DO IT, otherwise, I will never see my baby girls grow up, nor will I ever have a 4th child (I don't feel 'complete' in the baby dept).

So this blog may just turn into a weight loss transformation blog.

Weight - 176.6kgs Height 175cms tall. I am morbidly obese. I will die if I can not shift this weight. This is serious shit.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Storage, or lack there of!

I'm slightly addicted to blogs of Mum's with large families, and am gobsmacked at their organisation, the cleanliness of their homes, and just how well they cope.

I only have 3 children, 6 and under, my baby turns 1 next week. Yet my house is a bomb site. Clutter everywhere, next to no storage.

It's just plain disgusting really.

I'm thinking I might just start culling things, have a garage sale, sell things for less than a dollar... Maybe even make some money for some awesome storage from Ikea (I love that place). I'm a closet organiser, or really wish I was a great organiser! Every time I've organised something in the past, it just gets messy again sooo quickly, between the kids and the husband!

I've just spent 30 minutes CLEANING the lounge room, vacumning picking up rubbish, yet it still looks disgusting! I'm over it, but I just don't have the motivation to do it all.

What do others do when they lack this motivation? Do they JFDI? Or do they sit and blog about it all, or whinge to their friends?

Clothes are another bugbear of mine. I can keep on top of washing them, but folding, and hanging up and putting away is just beyond me.

I really need a housekeeper so I can just be a lady of leisure! Haha!