Tuesday, 24 April 2012

A blogger?

It's been at me for a while, this blogging thing. I've been meaning to sign up, as I'm an avid reader on some large family blogs.

There are days where I dream that I could handle 7+ kids, and have a really tidy house. But then reality hits.. I've got 3 gorgeous girls, and my house most of the time resembles a bomb has hit it. Especially if my 3 year old is home.

Maybe I should tell you more about me?

I'm a 30 year old Mum of three girls living in Western Sydney. I've been married for just over a year to my Husband, lets call him "S-Man"! We've definitely had our ups and downs in our marriage so far - S-Man has scizophrenia, was out of work for 18 months, and in and out of the local mental health unit for a few weeks here and there, he finally started on an awesome medication for him in December last year, and we've been hospital free for 5 months now (yay!). He started work again just after Easter (weight lifted off my chest).

My girls are J (who is 6), E (who is 3), and our baby girl (G, who is about to turn the big 1!). The two elder girls are not S-Man's biological children, but he is the only one that E knows is her Daddy.

We are a blended family. It is verrrrrrrrrry trying at times, especially when J returns from visiting her father (which isn't very often, he has become very lazy of late), or her paternal grandparents (who she adores, and I don't know how they ended up with a son like they did).

J is in year 1, and loving it - she has a lot of trouble with reading, but has definitely come along further in the last term, than she did in 4 terms of Kindergarten.

E is in daycare two days a week, and will be heading off to preschool in 2013 - exciting for me, as both J and I attended the same pre-school within J's school.

G is a lovely placid baby, although she is beginning to find her voice now.

Will I remember to update this blog often? I hope I do. I have a lot of things I want to get out, I also hope it all makes sense!

'Til then,

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