Monday, 30 April 2012

Semi Productive Day..

I decided last night, that why would I wait for my husband to mow the lawn, he always has some excuse as to why he can't do it!

So I bit the bullet and dragged the mower out the front this morning - we had barely come home from dropping Miss J at school, and I had left the pram on our verandah so that Miss G could sit and watch, and I let Miss E play in the backyard (she kept coming and going to the front). We live on a very very busy main Rd, at an intersection - our yard is not fully fenced (despite our real estate advertising that it would be), so I was concentrating on mowing, and on Miss E (and trying not to let a rock hit a car at the lights!).

The last time I had mowed was almost a year ago. I was exactly 40 weeks pregnant with Miss G, and my husband was being the normal lazy so and so he is - it was Mothers Day. I asked him if he could mow the lawn, he says yes, and then in typical Mr S style, falls asleep. He told me I wasn't allowed to do it... Well I don't follow instructions very well, so there I am 40 weeks pregnant, pushing a lawn mower. Hilarious. My neighbours must have thought I was nuts. We lived in a quiet little cul-de-sac then.. It didn't bring on my labour though much to my disappointment!

So I successfully mowed the front lawn - it looks lovely, just needs to be whipper snipped (which we do not have, gah!) and it will look good! Went out to mow the back yard, and as that was about 60cms high, was still wet at 9am! I did say I was gonna go and try again, but its nearly school pick up time, and I'm busy inside now (busy blogging that is!).

Dinner was put in the slow cooker (Beef Stroganoff), will be served with rice, and peas and corn to add to more veggie content!

Lounge room is clean - had a friend drop by unannounced this morning - my house is COMPLETELY messy - things everywhere, Miss E had bread still sitting on the floor. I felt soooo ashamed! But hey, you come to visit me, not my house, right? So now its clean after spending 30 minutes doing it - I had cleaned it on Sunday, but you would never know that with Hurricane E on the horizon!

I really need to do the back lawns though... Might have to tackle that after school. Although we are meant to have netball training, might ask Mr S's aunt if she can take her, since she is going to the same place.

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